Winston here from Iowa. I just wanted to see if you’d like any extra specific traffic&nbsp;or&nbsp;web help in any way - no matter what it might be. Bulk targeted email/messaging campaigns across the country to hundreds of millions of businesses&nbsp;or&nbsp;consumers at no cost to you, social growth on autopilot, programming, video/site creation/editing, AI integrations to automate anything you can think of, remove negative listings, consolidating all of your hosting/emails/ssl certificates under one provider that charges $5 a month for unlimited everything, no joke. The list goes on. I\'ve been doing this for over 22 years and love it. <br />
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There\'s virtually no cost on my end to do any of this for you except for my time starting at around three dollars a day. I don\'t mean to impose; I was just curious if I could lend a hand. Brief history, I\'ve been working from home for a couple decades now and I love helping others. I\'m married, have three girls and if I can provide for them by helping you and giving back by using the tools and knowledge I\'ve built and learned over the years, I can\'t think of a better win-win.<br />
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It amazes me that no one else is helping others quite like I do and I\'d love to show you how I can help out. So, if you need any extra help in any way, please let me know either way as I value your time and don\'t want to pester you.<br />
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PS – If I didn’t mention something you might need help with just ask, I only mentioned a handful of things to keep this brief :-)<br />
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All the best,<br />
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Winston<br />
Cell - 1-319-435-1790?<br />
My Site (w/Live Chat) -